• Sign up for the email list at the bottom of this page! Announcements will also be made on IG, but if you’re not on there much I set up the email list so no one misses it. I’ll only email you when my books are opening and new designs are available.

  • If you sign up for the email list a the bottom of this page, you’ll receive an email when I open my books again. l also post in my Instagram story when my books open up. That story and email will have info about how to book

    When my books open, it’s only for booking current (ongoing client) projects and pre-drawn “available designs”. This means I am not able to take custom projects at this time.

  • When I was taking custom projects, I was getting hundreds more requests than I had appointments available. Although I wish I had time to accommodate everyone, I can’t without booking a year+ in advance (which I can’t do for the sake of my existing clients and my own sanity haha).

    In addition, the custom requests that I receive are mostly all fun projects that are right up my alley, and I really struggled with having to turn down those that took the time to send me their ideas. I find that posting available designs really streamlines booking and allows me to do pieces that best showcase my style.

    I really appreciate everyone that’s interested in being tattooed by me and hope that in the future I can find more ways to accommodate everyone! Although I don’t have current plans to re-open for custom pieces, I’ll definitely update on my Instagram if that changes.

  • Whatever you’d like to be most comfortable! Client comfort is super important, so feel free to bring in anything that will make your time better.

    Water and a snack for breaks are always a good idea. You can bring pillows/a blanket if you run cold or would like extra support during your session.

    Any entertainment you’d like to bring is fine by me. I love talking to clients throughout the appointment, but am also fine if you want to pop in some headphones and zone out. In addition, I don’t mind at all if you want to watch a movie/TikTok/game/FaceTime someone on your phone during the session. The noise doesn’t bother me a bit so feel free!

    Now that I have a private space and my own speaker we can listen to any music or podcast that you’d like. This is also, selfishly, a way for me to discover new podcasts so if you’ve got a good one, let’s listen to it!

    On a rare occasion, clients are able to concentrate enough to read a book/do homework/work during their sessions, so that’s also fine.

    Oh and feel free to bring a friend!

  • Take good care of your body! Get a good nights rest the night before and make sure you’re staying up on hydration. Avoid alcohol prior to your appointment (trust me, getting tattooed hungover is not pleasant!).

    Eat a big carb-y meal close to your appointment time. I’ve found that having food in your system makes a big difference comfort wise.

    Avoid the sun leading up to your appointment so you don’t come in with a sunburn. Use sunscreen if you’re going to be outside close to the day of your appointment.

    I’ll shave any hair in the tattoo area, but you’re welcome to do hair removal at home prior to the appointment if you’d prefer to do it yourself. If you’re getting your head tattooed, or have a thick beard and are getting your throat/neck/face tattooed, please shave prior to the appointment.

  • Anything that you’ll be comfortable in. Avoid wearing anything you don’t want to get dirty near the tattoo area. I do my best to avoid staining clothes, but sometimes it happens!

    For sternum/chest pieces:

    For these locations you’ll likely have to remove your bra. I’ll need to see where your breasts naturally sit to stencil these pieces. I have pasties available in my room and you’re also welcome to come with your own.

    For hip pieces:

    If the piece doesn’t go too far up your hip, a stretchy thong will work. If it does go higher up your side, bring a bikini bottom that ties on the sides. You can also buy side-less adhesive thongs on Amazon. I have these available in my room if you need one as well.

  • Cash is always nice. In addition, I can take Venmo, PayPal, or run a credit card.

  • When your tattoo session is over, I’ll wrap it in plastic wrap and tape that down. Leave this bandage on for 4-8hrs. Don’t be worried if it gets gooey/bloody/inky under the plastic during that time. The liquid might leak out of the bandage, so don’t wear anything over it that you don’t want stained!

    After that time has passed, remove the tape and plastic and wash your tattoo with warm water and soap. You’ll want to wash it until all the slimy stuff has been removed. When you’re done washing it, pat it dry with a clean towel and let it dry without anything covering it for 20 minutes. At this point, you can massage in some non scented lotion or aquaphor if you’d like. You’re also welcome to keep it dry. If you do put on lotion/aquaphor make sure your hands are clean and use a very small amount. You can reapply your moisturizer ~3 times a day if you go that route.

    Wash it once a day (or more only if something dirty touches it) for 10 days. During this time, keep your showers short and don’t expose it to water outside of short showers. So no sauna/hot tubs/swimming/baths/heavy sweat during that time. Your tattoo is an open wound, so be very cautious of what touches it during the early stages. Make sure your sheets/clothing is clean. Any clothing you wear over it should be loose and breathable.

    After ~10-14 days your tattoo will be healed. Be sure to wear sunscreen over your tattoo if you’ll be outside after it’s healed.